We spray thousands of microscopic dots onto
vehicles or other assets in order to provide a unique identification.
Veridot car kit installation involves the application of 10,000 microdots on your car on over 100 diffrent positions.
Veridot bicycle kit installation involves the application of 3,000 microdots on your bicycle on over 20 diffrent positions.
Veridot bicycle kit installation involves the application of 3,000 microdots on your bicycle on over 20 diffrent positions.
Microdots can be applied to your child’s belongings such as laptops, shoes, geometrical set etc in order to assist in their identification and recovery if lost/stolen. Application is as simple as twisting the back of the brush-pen marker to dispense the adhesive containing microdots onto the brush, and then neatly applying this adhesive to various locations on your child’s belongings.