MaliLock helps buyers to proceed with purchases with peace
of mind knowing that the item is not fradulently or illegally acquired!
We focus on our end users hence we only ask of what is absolutely necessary on our end. With just your names, phone number, email, and 30 seconds to spare, a whole new world of possibilities is at your fingertips.
No payments, commitments or plans. Every feature on our platform has a free lifetime usage.
Add as many electronic devices and vehicles as you can. We have a NO CAP policy on our users.
Our team is working tirelessly to add more item categories to further increase the scope of items that we accomodate.
At MaliLock, we encourage community policing. This is facilitated by our voluntary and anonymous reporting of items that have been flagged as lost/stolen when an individual comes accross it.
This has increased the recovery rate of lost/stolen items especially non trackable items like TVs and Stereo systems.
Any inquiry on our platforms are free of charge in addition to free registration and transfer of items between regstered users.
Our platform has extended to the use of sms short code to provide access to our services in the absence of internet or smart phone.