Veridot bicycle Kit

Keep bicyle thieves at bay with 3,000 microdots.

Protect your bicycle and its parts from theft with the latest technology!

Application Points
Tiny Microdots
Ksh. 4,500/=
Lifetime Investment

Veridot bicycle kit installation involves the application of 3,000 microdots on your bicycle on over 20 diffrent positions.

Having your bycycle Veridotted entails:

Veridot application video:

The Veridot bycycle asset marker contains 3000 microscopic dots in a convenient, easy-to-use brush-pen applicator. Simply twist the back of the pen to dispense the adhesive and microdots onto the brush, then neatly apply to your bycycle in various locations to make them too risky to thieves! Police, insurance companies, retailers and the public can determine the original identity of any microdoted bicycle or individual parts sold as second hand spares. This makes Veridot microdoting technology an effective theft deterrent and recovery solution. Getting your bycycle microdoted with Veridot Technology gives you peace of mind .

This technology is proven. Since 2012, all new cars, motorbikes and trailers sold in South Africa are required by law to incorporate microdot protection. Since then:

An example of a Veridot® Vehicle warning sticker:

Do you want to have your car veridotted now?

We have a network of approved fitment centers. Follow the link below or email us at to get microdotted now.